Thursday, October 13, 2016

Outdoor Recreational Benches |

Any area at home or public recreational setting can make good use of Outdoor Recreational Benches. There’s no single style, as the benches that we carry include lightweight aluminum with a brushed finish, flat styles with no back rest, slatted, laser cut, and fiberglass models that are as durable as they are portable.
Our Ribbons and Rings Metal Bench has a bit of the retro look that’s so popular, but in heavy duty steel with cast iron legs. It’s substantial, definitely not flimsy. Available in 4-, 6-, and 8-foot lengths, this bench can match or coordinate with any recreational theme through your choice of 16 different commercial-grade Thermoplastic coatings.
Any spot where people like to relax and socialize is a great candidate for recreational outdoor furniture from XPB Lockers. With so many durable styles, materials, colors, and even personalization options, your furniture can look exactly the way that you want and keep its good looks for many years to come. Call us for a free quote on your Outdoor Recreational Benches

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Stainless Steel Circular Wash Fountains |

Stainless Steel Circular Wash Fountains

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 by 
Stainless-Steel-Circular-Wash-FountainsStainless Steel Circular Wash Fountains are created for heavy duty hand washing. Different styles allow you to choose what works best for your needs. You will find numerous sizes so you’re able to accommodate the amount of people or the space you have for the fountain. With our collection of circular wash fountains you’re sure to find the one you need for your laboratory, kitchen, or other space that requires a lot of hand washing.

Our stainless steel wash fountains are primarily designed for high traffic bathroom areas. Wash fountains have been around long before the sustainability movement because of their ability to maximize the number of hand washers that can be accommodated in a given space. Call XPB Locker for a free quote on your stainless steel circular wash fountains.

Employee Locker Room Lockers |

Employee-Locker-Room-LockersWhether your employee locker room gets light use, such as in a hospital, or heavy use, such as in a fire department or factory, the durable Z locker plastic fabrication keeps its attractive finish and resists vandalism, dirt, grime, moisture and door slams.
Some Employee Locker Room Lockersneed just the basics. No frills, no fluff, and no fancy colors. And some look great with a little style added to the mix. That’s why we offer 28 different colors that range from soft neutrals, industrial black and gray, and a host of decorator colors and patterns that range from plum and buttermilk to linen and Caribbean sage. There’s something for every project.
Plastic Z lockers give employees plenty of space to store uniforms and keep them looking fresh, clean and wrinkle-free, and they do it in nearly half the space of a traditional rectangular locker style. For your project, there are so many different colors and size choices, you’re bound to find one that fits exactly right.
XPB Lockers has everything that you need to transform an ordinary locker room into one where employee uniforms stay in great shape and everyone has enough storage. Call us at 1-877-483-9270 to discuss your options. And while you’re at it, take a look through our online catalog to see the other locker options that we offer.