Any area at home or public recreational setting can make good use of Outdoor Recreational Benches. There’s no single style, as the benches that we carry include lightweight aluminum with a brushed finish, flat styles with no back rest, slatted, laser cut, and fiberglass models that are as durable as they are portable.
Our Ribbons and Rings Metal Bench has a bit of the retro look that’s so popular, but in heavy duty steel with cast iron legs. It’s substantial, definitely not flimsy. Available in 4-, 6-, and 8-foot lengths, this bench can match or coordinate with any recreational theme through your choice of 16 different commercial-grade Thermoplastic coatings.
Any spot where people like to relax and socialize is a great candidate for recreational outdoor furniture from XPB Lockers. With so many durable styles, materials, colors, and even personalization options, your furniture can look exactly the way that you want and keep its good looks for many years to come. Call us for a free quote on your Outdoor Recreational Benches.