Thursday, December 11, 2014

Lavatory Systems for School Bathrooms |

Bathroom-School-LavatoriesChoosing a bathroom  lavatory
for your school requires as much attention to cost-effectiveness as it does
functionality. And with the right fixtures, the two go hand in hand. They’re a
big investment, but they are worth every penny in the long run. Planning wisely
will help keep students healthier, maintenance costs lower, and leave
replacement an issue that you won’t have to think about for many years.School-Bathroom-Lavatories

It’s no surprise that germs and viruses can spread throughout  schools
quickly. Health specialists say cold viruses take hold when a child touches her
eyes or nose after coming in contact with the virus. And only about half of
school children actually wash their hands after visiting the restroom. Improving
convenience can help with that problem.

When washing hands is easier, children may be more inclined to make the
effort. Multi-user
wash stations
, such as the Express® Lavatory MG3, can combine ADA
compliance, touch-free operation, and water conservation in one attractive,
vandal-resistant unit. Combined with an on-demand, tankless water heater, they
save energy, too

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