Thursday, June 29, 2017

ADA Compliant Restroom Partitions For Sale

Ceiling Hung Bathroom PartitionsADA Compliant Restroom Partitions are a necessity for every commercial restroom layout. If your facility design is governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, you’ll need restroom partitions that are ADA compliant. This means any person in the facility who uses a wheelchair or otherwise needs special accommodations in a toilet can access them freely and without assistance.
Our catalog item, Ceiling Hung Partitions combines ADA compliance with a durable finish that’s available in a wide range of colors. The different layout configurations available let you customize the whole restroom with standard partitions and those for people with special needs, while maintaining a cohesive appearance.
The full line of bathroom partitions is available in various dimensions so you are certain to find the right toilet divider to fit your layout. Call Commercial Restroom Partitions for a free quote on ADA Compliant Restroom Partitions. 

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