Friday, November 27, 2015

Get Assistance in Planning your Commercial Bathroom Installation |

Three Keys to a Successful Commercial Bathroom Installation BR-1050

Friday, November 27th, 2015 by 
Commercial Bathroom Installaiton
Call Us For A FREE Quote 877-483-9270

Three Keys to a Successful Commercial Bathroom Installation

Key #1 – Spend the Money on Better Products
While there are a number of ways to cut costs on commercial bathroom installation, one thing you should never cut corners on is product quality. A great businessman once said, “I have no quarrel with a man whom has a lower price. He, more than anyone, knows what his product is really worth.”

Always remember this when shopping online. If you look hard enough, you will find something priced at a cost that you cannot resist…and almost always regret it when it later fails to meet spec.

Quality is something you do not have to sacrifice to keep your project within budget tolerance. Typically organizations feel forced to do so when working with a supplier who offers only a few products of any particular type. This does not happen when you work with XPB Locker & Supply . We maintain an exceptional selection of products scaled to fit the needs of non-profits, churches, schools, small business centers, and government buildings.

Key #2 – Get Assistance in Planning your Commercial Bathroom Installation
We have seen even the very best drafters and contractors in this industry make mistakes that cost their companies tens of thousands of dollars. Sadly, this is not unusual when the pressure of an imminent timeline is compounded by excessive multi-tasking.

One of the greatest services we offer to prevent such losses is document review. For those with serious interest in our services, we frequently wave our design fee in order to make our turnkey installation service affordable to organizations of all types and sizes.

Key #3 – When Possible, Find a One-Source Solution.
Fewer things are likely to go wrong when the party who reviews your drawings and orders your restroom fixtures also travels to your location to perform your commercial bathroom installation. This turnkey service eliminates the risk of miscommunication that often occurs between multiple contractors. It also ensures greater accountability on our part because we are completely self-reliant and take full responsibility for our actions.

Read some of our case studies and learn how our work has come to speak for itself throughout the state of Texas.


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